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1. About JAFA


  JAFA is a non-profit corporation which represents the interests of air freight forwarding industry in Japan. It was founded on 1 Apr. 1991 through a merger of, there-to-fore, three independent associations: namely, the International Air Freight Forwarders Association, the Domestic Aircargo Consolidators Association and the International Air Express Association. On 1 June, 1991, it was legally authorized by Minister for Transport and Minister for Finance as a corporate judicial person.
  Japanese air cargo transport has undergone a remarkable growth irrespective of occasional disruptions due to variety of factors like the war, oil crisis, economic depression, etc. The volume of her international air cargo transport has increased thirty fold for the past quarter century, while more than forty fold for domestic air cargo in the same period. The 2002 total volume of air cargo transport, 3.7 million tons, was the second highest since the reinauguration of civil aviation in 1951. This trend of steady development of air freight transport would continue for the foreseeable future because of the integration of world market, the improvement of physical distribution stimulated by new information technology, the introduction of more efficient aircraft, etc.

  As the unique organization to represent the interests of air freight forwarding industry in Japan, its members are composed of air cargo forwarders, consolidators, express carriers and/or air cargo agents, either they are domestic or foreign companies.
  Full members 131, Associate members 23, Supporting members 15
(as of 1 Jun. 2024)

 (1)Full members: Air Freight Forwarder/Consolidator
Air express/courier company 
IATA cargo sales agent
 (2)Associate members: Those companies whose business is closely related to full members.
 (3)Supporting members: Those who support JAFA activities

  JAFA seeks for the sound development of air freight forwarding business and air cargo sales agents by protecting their interests, conducting research and study as well as by providing consultation concerning their activities, so that shippers and consumers can enjoy the benefit of smooth provision of air transport services.

 (1)Research/study concerning sound development of air freight forwarding business
 (2)Implementation of security measures related to air freight forwarding activities
 (3)Training, education, seminars and conferences concerning air freight forwarding
 (4)Research and study concerning customs relating to air freight
 (5)Public relations activities concerning air freight forwarding business
 (6)Submission of requests, opinions, comments etc. to the relevant authorities

(1)Federation Internationale des Associations de Transitraires et Assimiles (FIATA)
  FIATA is an international organization by national forwarders associations and individual forwarding companies
(2)Federation of Asia Pacific Aircargo Association (FAPAA)
  FAPAA is an associated organization of national organizations of air freight forwarders in the Asia Pacific region.

JAFA mainly provides JAFA members with various courses related to education, but some of the courses are also provided to shipper companies. The educational courses such as training and seminars provided by JAFA are as follows. For details, please contact the JAFA secretariat.
(1) International / Domestic Air Cargo Basic Training
JAFA provides basic education on general cargo handling, dangerous goods handling, aviation security, market trends, and insurance handling for new employees of member companies of international and domestic division.
(2) IATA Diploma Cargo Introductory Course
As an ATC (Authorized Training Center) of IATA, JAFA supports examinees of member companies who take the IATA Diploma Cargo Introductory Course.
The exams are conducted online by IATA using the OERS method, but JAFA supports as the window of contact for exam applications and provide support services such as exam preparation training.
The IATA Diploma is a certificate of eligibility for those who have passed the examination of the IATA International Cargo Agent Training Program, which has been implemented worldwide since 1977.
(3) IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations Training Course
In September 2022, JAFA acquired IATA accreditation as a CBTA center in Japan, and from March 2023, JAFA started dangerous goods training (7.1-7.3 course) for member companies and shippers. These courses are dangerous goods regulations training courses for well-defined job functions in accordance with IATA DGR "Dangerous Goods Regulations". Details of each course are as follows.

① 7.1 Course : for Member Companies and Shippers etc.
Personnel preparing dangerous goods consignments.

② 7.2 Course : for Member Companies and Shippers etc.
Personnel responsible for processing and accepting goods presented as general cargo. This course is suitable for also domestic air cargo workers.

③ 7.3 Course : for Member Companies
Personnel responsible for processing or accepting dangerous goods.

(4) Domestic Air Cargo Dangerous Goods Seminar
JAFA invites instructors from CAB (the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) and Airlines to hold enlightening seminars on the transportation of dangerous goods in domestic air cargo.
(5) IATA Dangerous Goods Regulation Seminar
JAFA and BIAC jointly provide seminars mainly on DGR changes, inviting members and shippers.
*BIAC : Board of International Airfreight Carriers
(6) Aviation Security Training
As an Accredited Aviation Security Education and Training Support Organization of the government, JAFA provides Aviation Security Training to membership companies those are Regulated Agent in Japan.